Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nelly's first day back to school

Okay, I realize I am way behind on my blogging lately. But, better late than never...

Chanelly went back to school!! YAY!! She loves every minute of it. She loves her friends, her teachers, learning and being a "big girl". She is so smart and soaks it all in like a little sponge.
She is growing way too fast! She looks like she is at least 6 and acts like she is 16. She is so smart and understands things even I cant grasp. I love talking to her and hearing her view on things and she gives excellent advise!! She is usually right on the money, I really should listen to her more often because usually she is right!
I love that even though she is so big she still loves to cuddle and lets me hold her as long as I want. She knows she is special and will be the first one to tell you or show you one of her tricks! She knows all of her shapes, colors, most letters, how to spell her first and last name and she LOVES crafts!! I could give her some scissors and glue and she will make a masterpiece out of nothing in no time! And she will proudly hang her art all over my house!! I love Chanel more and more every day, everything about this little girl is just perfect to me. She is the most kind little person and she will mother anyone!!! She is such a huge help with her younger sisters and even puts her big brother in line when he needs it. She mommy's everything and I am so proud when I see her doing it because she does such a good job. It makes me feel like maybe I am doing something right if she is that good and being a little mommy already. She plays so well with everyone and makes everyone feel special.

Im so proud of my little Nelly Belly, she means the world to me.

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