Okay, first off I apologize for being a total slacker with my blog lately. I have been so busy doing nothing productive.... well that is not true entirely. I have been doing a lot with nothing to show for it (same thing but with different wording).
Easter was fantastic, just as it is every year with all my little Chicky's running around...
BUT mom and dad had something in store for the kiddos this year!!
Here they are all waiting patiently for the unveiling...
WHABAM!!! Check out the new ride for my 3 princesses! I know its a little much and probably a really bad idea because they might expect something so big every year but I couldn't control myself. I had to have it, I mean THEY had to have it.
And what was in store for Sir Jameson?? A row boat of course!! Since we are planning on more Lake Powell trips this year. And this kid is a pretty serious fisherman and he has been wanting to explore his talent off shore and out in the open sea... or lake... whatever it may be he will be out there!
Look at that face!! She is distraught!!
We also went to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt too. I didn't get any pictures of that, here is why...
It all start that Saturday morning, bright and early. Rory rolled over and asked what we were going to do that day, since normally we are celebrating Easter in Moab. He was a little bored I think. I told him I wasn't sure but something fun. Then he said "Have you ever been to a Easter egg hunt?? A real one, not in our backyard but city one with lots of people???". NO. I had not, nor did I have any desire. But he insisted, no he pretty much said "Get up, get dressed, we're going". He used words like EXCITING, FUN, THE KIDS WILL LOVE IT!!! So I did as I was told and we got all dressed up and headed out to the park. We got there and immediately I was getting yelled at by random people to RUN!! Apparently I had parked at the wrong end of the park and we had a waaaaaayyyyysss to run. I should have noticed all the other vehicles lined up and down every street but I got caught up in the "excitement"... yeah right. We get there just in time for them to start the count down 5. 4. 3. 2. 1!!!! And I tell the kids, in calm, quiet voice "Ok, go get your eggs". Only to be shoved out of the way by some overweight WOMAN screaming at the top of her lungs "GET THE EGGS!! GRAB EM AND RUN!!! It was a friggin nightmare!! Parents just started screaming at their children and running like maniacs, all on guard and in an almost protective mode?! It was insane!! I had this picture in my head of my kids running (in slow motion actually) with their cute little baskets, collecting all the colorful little eggs and opening them to see what little surprises they would get. NOT at ALL how this was happening. Immediately my kids were lost in a sea of screaming adults and crying children, luckily I had Ava and I clutched her in my arms with all my strength. I was running through, trying my hardest to find my babies and all I could see were giant butt cracks in my face! EVERYWHERE!! Butt cracks of all the parents bent over collecting all the eggs!!! I couldn't believe it!! I think I was actually screaming in fear come to think of it. Then it was over and it cleared out as fast as it all had started. Finally I found my children, all upset, disappointed, terrified, scarred for life. Rori Ana was just standing there, lost, holding a tootsie roll, Chanel managed to find one lousy plastic egg with a twizzler inside and a half of a plastic egg that was BROKEN and James had about 3 eggs and the first thing out of his mouth was "Some big old LADY came and GRABBED an EGG right out of my HANDS MOM!!! He was pretty mad. I was traumatized. We didn't even dare to set Ava down on the ground. Chanel was confused and Rori Ana was in shock. And Rory, poor Rory, he was sooo disappointed. He kept apologizing for putting us through such hell. All he could say was how it was nothing like that when he was little and he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. I felt bad because I could see it had ruined all of his sweet little childhood memories he had. Then we sat in traffic for about half an hour trying to get out of that horrible place, trying to put what just happened behind us. Needless to say, we will NEVER, EVER go to another one of those things again. Ever.
First of all I love your guts! I love that picture of Ava all mad about the bottle. The story about the Easter egg hunt pissed me off. I wish I was there to knock over all the fat ass screaming parents. I can't believe people. I sometimes just get filled with rage over the way people act these days. I want to live back in the 50's.
It sounds like you hosted better easter egg hunts in your yard and the other one would make me want to move.
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