Today Rori Ana has managed to spill her breakfast all over the floor in the kitchen and she still hasn't said if that was on purpose or an accident. She poured a big cup of milk into the huge jug of nesquik, so we threw that away. She peed in her sisters bed. She poured her juice onto the carpet. She decided to get a hold of my hair and take off running, needless to say I'm missed half a head of hair now. She went potty outside, this was fully intentional because she took the time to come inside and get toilet paper and go back out and take her pants off to do it. Oh and have I mentioned I'm running on NO sleep because all 3 of my girls have been deathly ill! All of them are on steroids right now and we had to cancel their birthday party this weekend so we didn't infect the rest of the neighborhood. We have been in quarantine for almost a week now. Rory left out of town yesterday and I had 2 tomcats fighting on my porch all night, not sure if any of you have ever heard something like that but it sounds crazy and demonic! Not something I wanted to experience while home alone. My phone broke today, so now I will have to find the time to replace it. Chanel got into the marshmallow's, James got into the the caprisuns. They both got into the paint and Popsicles and now I feel like death. This has been a not so good day.
Let me add to this post. While writing the last one Rori locked herself in the pantry and took out all the garbage out of the can and replaced it with all of our food! Our bread, chips, cereal, paper towels, onions, potatoes etc. So I sent her to her room and what does she do? She goes into Ava's room instead and wakes her up from a MUCH needed nap. It will be a miracle if she is still alive by tomorrow...
Poor you! I certainly hope the day got a bit better and that today is FANTASTIC!
Oh man, that sucks! The cats had to have been the worst! I have never heard a weirder sound than cats fighting! Hope your days are looking up soon!
I would not let her out of your sight for even a minute. What a little trouble maker. I still want Kenyon to marry her but she is going to have to settle down a bit. Yikes!
Oh my gosh Jennine, I am so sorry. I so know how those days go. You have one more than me and I could not even imagine. Good luck,a nd hope your days get better!
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