Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rori's Prayer

Rori Ana finally decided to say grace today. I have been trying to get her to say it with me for a while now and she always say "No Mama, you say it!" But not today, we bowed our heads and she said "Ror nana says pwayer" so she did and I didn't understand most of it but it went a little like this: " Fadder, bwessed da Aba (ava), bwessed da mama, bwessed da daddy, bwessed da newwy (nelly), bwessed the Janson (Jameson) and bwessed da food. YAY!!!!!". Man I love the kids prayers!

1 comment:

Julie said...

K first off....the fact that Rori can talk freaks me out! It's been too long since I have seen you guys! And Second...that is adorable! I love listening to my kids prayers! I was laughing my head off at Alex's prayer last night.."Please bless us to have fun at Halloween and trick or treating and then to get ready for Christmas and Santa to come.......(long pause)..Oh CRAP! I forgot there is Thanksgiving first! Oh well!" Haha! Love these prayers! Hope you guys are doing good!