Let me first start by saying 3 out of my 4 babies are sick right now. Stay away... far, far faaaarrrrr away. The only one who is feeling good is James, actually he is feeling amazing! I'm jealous! He has more energy than I can deal with right now. And too much time on his hands, since I am busy taking care of my girls. Once again we are really pushing his patience.
It all started with Ava getting a little cold. Nothing big, just a cold. That turned into a sinus infection/cough/never ending mucus pouring out of her eyes, mouth and nose. Soon enough her partner in crime got it as well. Rori got it a little worse, I didn't think that was possible but it is. After about 3 sleepless nights and a dozen boxes of Kleenex I was getting ready to take Nelly to dance yesterday and she said she wasn't feeling good and didn't want to go. Immediately I knew this was bad because she doesn't miss dance or school unless it is something serious. Sure enough about 15 minutes later there was barf all over my kitchen, my entry way, my living room and the bathroom. LUCKILY!! Some how she didn't manage to get much on my newly cleaned carpets!!! But it looks like this one is a doozy, I don't expect to sleep for at least a week. So with Chanel throwing up and Rori Ana crying because she doesn't feel well and Ava just crying because it seems like its the thing to do... I am crying because I cant fix any of it.
A little later on, just when I think I got everything under control Rori Ana goes running into the living room only to trip and fall, hitting her poor face on the couch... She got a bloody nose and she was so stuffed up it just made another mess from hell.
But a little bloody nose wont stop my Rori Ana... Oh no.
Once again I get everyone settled. Chanel watching Little Mermaid, Ava sleeping....... wait. Where is Rori Ana???? She is making her own lunch and packing it in her little princess lunch bag, that's where she is. And what did she make herself? A BIG bowl of cereal, with lots and lots of milk. She took it aaaallllll the way upstairs. Spilling aaaalllll over my carpets. That I had cleaned LAST WEEK! Yep, so much for being grateful that Chanel didn't throw up on them. So once again, I am cleaning another mess but Rori Ana couldn't let me clean it all up by myself. No, she decided to go get the hand soap from her bathroom and pour it all over my carpets. She is SUCH a great helper. But it doesn't end there... again, I am cleaning another mess. And Rori Ana was SO very mad that I took her lunch away. The lunch she worked so hard to make that she decided to make her lunch again.... On my kitchen table this time.
And I am going to tie my little Rori Ana to my hip for the rest of the day. Since obviously I cant let her leave my sight for not one single minute!! I couldnt make this stuff up if I wanted to. I know they say your kids pay you back for all the horrible things you put your parents through when you were younger but, I KNOW I never did anything like this!!?? I have never met a child who is capable of the crap this little girl can do?! And not just her, but the rest of them aren't exactly angels either. What the hell am I going to do?
Wine night soon? And I can give you a big Heather hugarooni
Rori has so much energy for one little girl It will be fun to see how she channels her creative spirit into pieces of art. Isnt it funny how we never even have a clue the amount of messes kids will make before we get them?
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