This girl is something else! She is sweet but sassy, she is spoiled, demanding, bratty and controlling. But she is still the sweetest, gentlest, kind, loving little thing ever! She is a whole lot of everything in an itty bitty 20 lb package (that's right!! We hit 20 lbs finally!!). I have had to keep an eye on her because she will attack random kids at grocery stores, or zoo's or any other public place. She has excellent manners but if you don't giver her what she wants when she says "peeeez" then you better be ready to accept the consequences! She pretty much gets her way all the time, if you don't fall for the BIG puckered lips, her extremely LONG fluttering eyelashes or her GIANT brown puppy eyes... then she will just take matters into her own hands. I can't begin to explain how crazy Ava is, you just have to witness it yourself. And she is not as good at hiding her temper as my other kids, she doesn't care who sees her misbehave because she will DARE you to do something about it. I know this all sounds horrible but she is anything but, she really is a little love bug and usually she is a sweet little angel. I love this baby more and more every day. I love her free spirit and even her spunk! Between her and Rori Ana I will be dead in my grave by 35.
1 comment:
And she has the best hugs EVER!! She is such a sweet heart! It is so fun to watch her become her own person.
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