Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Night before last while I had the kids in the bath I could see Jameson's tooth wiggle every time he would say something to me and it was driving me CRAZY!!! I couldn't even concentrate on what I was doing or what he was saying! I have recently found out that teeth are NOT my thing!! I hate seeing them wiggle and remembering the little suction noises they make when you would push on them with your tongue. Or the nasty taste of the blood in your mouth after if fell out and having that big raw hole where your tooth used to be!! YUCKYYYY!!!! Anyway, I couldn't take it anymore and I got up the courage to just yank it out!! I told him to sit really still and prepared him for the feeling and told him not to freak out when he sees the blood or the tooth!! Well, I wish I was as prepared as he was! I knew I would probably freak out but not like I did!! I got a good hold of it and just PULLED!! IT WAS SOOOO GROSS!!!! I was almost in pain because it made my insides crawl so much!! I tried my hardest not to scream but failed miserably!! I was screaming so loud and Jameson did not know what the heck was going on!!! It was your classic Americas funniest home video where the kid is in total shock and didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! And I did not help at all!! Well, that night he hid his tooth from the tooth fairy in a cup on the very top shelf in a cabinet so she wouldn't be able to get it. He wanted to make sure everyone saw it before he gave it to her. Then last night Rory called me down and told me his other tooth was coming out and he would only let ME pull it out!! After taking a few deep breaths I went down hoping I could handle it better this time!! Rory pulled out his camera really quick so we could get it on video, I definitely did a lot better this time!! After that we went to Grandma Royce's to see them because they just got home from Italy and Chanel was missing her Grandma terribly, she even dreamt of her all the night before!! James took his teeth to show everyone and when we got home that night he put them under his pillow for the tooth fairy. He must have woke up in the middle of the night and remembered to check because he came running into our room and was waking us up to show us the money he had gotten, then he said he had to pee so he ran into our bathroom and came out crying. He had dropped his money in the TOILET WHILE HE WAS PEEING!!!!! I seriously considered just flushing it but I knew he would have gotten so upset if I flushed the tooth fairies money so I fished it out and rinsed it off with soap and water and we laid it out to dry. This whole tooth thing is NOT my thing!! Yuck!!! Only about 78 more teeth to go and then I'm done forever!!


Fritzsche's said...

That is so funny. I feel the same way about the whole tooth thing and am not looking forward to that stage in life at all. I was cringing and my stomach was turning just reading about it. I'm glad they came out ok without too much trouble.

Teresa said...

Jameson is such a brave little guy! Good job!

Anthony and Christel said...

Wow, he is losing teeth already? I don't know if Acelyn is even close, her dentist said it would probably be a good year or so. I guess it is different for everyone. Acelyn said that his picture was silly. They need to play sometime, lets all do a pizza night!

Julie said...

Oh my heck! That is so funny!!I love the fact that he wanted to hide it from the tooth fairy! And I am TOTALLY with you on the
"gross out" factor! I can usually handle ANYTHING! But I will NOT pull out any of my kids teeth! Brady always does it! And Brin's was coming out the other day and I made McKaylee pull it out! Ewww!!

bella utahan said...

I am not looking forward to this either- but I guess I have a few years to go. You should have him pull out the next one!!! Do you think he would do it??