Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sorry Chanel... God has spoken!

So I was going to write this on my "Kids' comment of the day" off to the side but I though it was too good. It was post worthy.

Yesterday was full of surprises for me, the kids were being so naughty but funny at the same time. Chanel came in that morning with the baby desitin and asked if it was for "baby's sore bums" I said yes, for babies only. She said her bum was feeling kind of sore. I told her don't even think about it and it was for babies ONLY! Well about 15 minutes later I went to go into her room to make sure she was getting dressed, when I turned the door knob I felt something all over it. Yep, desitin... It was all over the door and the door knobs on her bedroom and bathroom. I look in the bathroom and its all over the sink too! I flung open the door and there she is... COVERED in desitin!! I should have made her bum sore right then, but I couldn't. All I could do was laugh and make her clean it up and get in the bath.

After she got out Jameson started to brush her hair (not sure why, he never has before). He was trying to brush out a pretty good size tangle when I heard him say: "Chanel! What do you do to your hair??! This is crazy, lets go show mom!" They come into my room and then he said " Look at this mom! It is as big as a small dog!!!" I don't know where the heck he heard that!

Later that day I noticed one of our lamps was broken. James walked up and saw that I was messing with it trying to get it to work. He says "whats going on? Why isn't this thing working?" with a puzzled look on his face. I thought I would see if this would work, I told him "you broke it" and he looked at me with a little surprise on his face. Then he said "How?" I told him he was messing with it too much (it has a little cord you pull on to turn it on and he likes to play with it) He then said "That's not how, you weren't there! You didn't see. I was pulling it too hard." I said "so you did break it?!" He says "Do you know if I broke it? If you don't then no, if you do then yes."

THEN that night, I caught Chanel lying to me about something (I cant even remember anymore) I knew she was lying but had no proof, so I told her that even though I didn't know that God did and he wouldn't like it very much if she was lying. Jameson has always said he talks to God and he can hear when God talks back. So he says "Hold on mom... I hear something...(moment of silence)... YEP!! SHES A LIAR!!! God told me and he wants her grounded to her room for the rest of the night!" Sorry Chanel, God has spoken. Even though my kids were being naughty all day they had me laughing all day. I really shouldn't be because it probably encourages their bad behavior but, how do not when they are so funny?!


Mommy Madness said...

LOL! I think it's better if we can laugh about the naughty things rather than lose our temper. I try to leave the room and then laugh, but a few times my kids have caught me.

Losinthisdangfat said...

Your kids are so cute! Every time I read about the cute little things they say it makes me laugh! I hope you took pictures of the "desitin incident". That would be funny so that you can show chanel how rottten she was when she was little.
Thanks for sharing this stuff! It made me laugh!
Kids can say the darnest things, can't they?! LOL

Julie said...

Oh my heck! They are all hilarious! I can't wait until little Rori is in on all of it too! I have a sneaking suspition that she is gonna give you a run for your money! And yes! I think it's great that you laugh about it! I think that is what keeps us stay at home mom's sane! When we were living in the apartments I used to tell the kids "ABSOLUTELY NO JUMPING ON THE BEDS!!!". Of course they jumped on them ALL THE TIME because they were all lined up in a row and on the floor and of course it was a blast...(I even thought it looked fun).. Anyway, when I would hear them in jumping, instead of running right in there and getting after them, I would let them have fun for a few minutes and then go in!
I LOVE what James said about "God told me she's a liar". I'm laughing my head off! I miss you guys!

Fritzsche's said...

So hilarious!!! I love the small dog thing and if you don't know then no if you know then yes! And I didn't know that James talked to God. Maybe I need to ask him a few questions.