Friday, July 31, 2009
Mom: Jennine, don't freak out.
Jennine: Ok. Wrong thing to say if you dont want me to freak out. Im freaked out. What?
Mom: I was riding agador (her draft horse that is easily over 17 hands tall, that means HUGE and weighs about 2500 lbs. that means NOT NORMAL KIND OF HUGE!!) and he got spooked then I fell off and he stepped on me.
Jennine: Ok....
Mom: Im ok.
Jennine: Where did he step on you?
Mom: My stomach.
The rest of the conversation was me making sure she wasnt in too much pain and I stayed on the phone until the ambulance got there. Luckily she was with 2 other people, they went and got her horse and met up with the ambulance so they could show them where she was. She ended up being flown to the IMC hospital and is doing good. I flew there last night and must have passed about 3 cops going 100 and 1 really drunk driver and somehow didnt get pulled over or in an accident myself!! She has some internal bleeding but is in good spirits and she is going to be fine. She is still in the hospital and I will be going to see her as soon as I can get there without all my rug rats. I just wanted to do a quick post while the story was still on the news website, I thought this was one for the blog!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ava's first week home
My computer is acting weird all of a sudden so I will post more pictures later.... SORRY!!
~ Happy Anniversary my love...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Adios NICU!!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Update on Ava
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Welcome Sweet Baby Ava...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Beaching and Nesting...
I LOVE the sand crack!
Total beach babes!
Monkey see... Monkey do!
Now for the nesting...
HOLY COW!! Every time I am pregnant I go through this insane nesting phase!! I know some women have it worse than others but, I am a little extreme about it. It started when I recently had someone come clean my house, since I was supposed to be taking it easy I thought I would just hire someone else to do it. I found someone who could come soon and who was affordable, BAD IDEA!!
She was here for at least 6 hours and she must have been upstairs napping or something??!! I know I am a little anal about my house and when I am paying someone to do something I expect a decent job. This was AWFUL!! She didn't even clean 2 out of the 3 bathrooms we have, she didn't sweep or mop under the dining room table or any of the chairs or bar stools where we need it most! Anyway, I had her redo a lot of it but after about an hour of me doing that I just gave up and let her leave the job unfinished. Rory came home and lost it of course! So long story short... This week I have been doing it myself. I can confidently say that you could lick my floors, baseboard and walls and they will be 100% clean and sanitized. Every closet is completely organized, ever cabinet cleaned out. Every clothing washed and put away. EVERYTHING!!! I am done! With the house that is. I am off to clean my car then I will just "maintain" until baby arrives!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday to Rory!!
No progress is a GOOD thing!
Okay... Now that I am writing this, I am wondering why? I'm sure you guys don't really care to hear this but, it was such good news for me. So here it goes anyway....
I went to the doctor yesterday and I have made "No progress!!" My doctor and I were very excited!! I was so surprised, I was expecting to walk out of there a mess, being totally stressed out and worried. But, NO! I am still a 2 and 50%. He says he "really, really thinks I will make it at least 35-36 weeks". I know that is still a month early and still a little premature but that is when Rori Ana was born and she didn't spend a minute in the nicu. She was perfectly healthy, just small. I also know that every baby is different and we could possibly still have a few bumps in the road. But the chances of lights, incubators, feeding tubes etc. go down dramatically after 35 weeks. Especially where I usually have bigger babies so even at a month early they still weigh almost 6 lbs! So I think I will reach my goal of being pregnant for another 3 weeks! Maybe even longer!! I wouldn't mind going the full time just to know that my baby is well done! So I am just going to keep taking it easy and stress a lot less now. I chose not to mention my little sprint down the trail after Jameson once I heard it didn't have any affect on my progress, though I am still surprised that it didn't! I think my body went into shock! It was like what the hell is going on?? I'm moving?! I haven't moved like this in months!!! I'm surprised it didn't shut down on me. Anyway, all is well now and he is even letting me go 2 weeks until my next appointment! WAAHOO!!
On another subject, Jameson is doing really good! His head is still a little tender but in all he is just fine. He is a little worried about getting the staples out. He asks all the time if it will hurt and how bad and I tell him not nearly as bad as putting them in. He feels better when I tell him that. He has to go get them out in about a week so he is counting down the days. He also wants Rory to go cut down the mile marker sign with his metal cutting saw, he is really mad they put it there. He keeps calling the sign stupid, I try to tell him the sign isn't really the "stupid" one. He just needs to be smarter than that stupid sign and wear his helmet and watch where he is going. He still thinks the sign is stupid. He is also bummed that his head cant get wet for a while, he hates not being able to run around in the sprinklers and go swimming. However, he is loving that he gets to take a bath all by himself now so there is no splashing and I cant really wash his hair I have to just wipe the one side with a wash cloth. He just likes the attention he gets.
And on 1 more subject. The girls are doing great! Chanel really likes dance, she is still totally unbalanced but she loves showing me her little dance moves. Rory and I were watching her without her knowing yesterday and she is all over the place. In her own little world. I kept hearing the teacher saying "Chanel???" or "Chanel can you do what the other girls are doing?" And she would for a minute then back off into the land of Chanel. She is so cute, I love that she is her own little person in her own little world. The longer she can stay out of our corrupted evil world the better. And Rori Ana is practically running all over the place now. She LOVES to go play outside with all the kids, she keeps up so well! Yesterday she was out in a diaper without shoes on and I kept thinking about what an awful mother I must look like because the butt of her diaper was totally dirty with Popsicle and dirt and had grass stuck to it (it was clean inside though) and her feet were completely black from being barefoot and she had food all over her face. But she was having so much fun I wasn't about to go ruin it by getting her dressed and cleaning her just so she looked decent. Plus I really didn't care as much as I should. She was safe and clean enough and she was having a blast. That's all that really matters right??