Friday, July 31, 2009

As if this week couldn't get any more stressful or crazy... I got a call last night about 8:30 pm from my mother, this is how the conversation went...
Mom: Jennine, don't freak out.
Jennine: Ok. Wrong thing to say if you dont want me to freak out. Im freaked out. What?
Mom: I was riding agador (her draft horse that is easily over 17 hands tall, that means HUGE and weighs about 2500 lbs. that means NOT NORMAL KIND OF HUGE!!) and he got spooked then I fell off and he stepped on me.
Jennine: Ok....
Mom: Im ok.
Jennine: Where did he step on you?
Mom: My stomach.
The rest of the conversation was me making sure she wasnt in too much pain and I stayed on the phone until the ambulance got there. Luckily she was with 2 other people, they went and got her horse and met up with the ambulance so they could show them where she was. She ended up being flown to the IMC hospital and is doing good. I flew there last night and must have passed about 3 cops going 100 and 1 really drunk driver and somehow didnt get pulled over or in an accident myself!! She has some internal bleeding but is in good spirits and she is going to be fine. She is still in the hospital and I will be going to see her as soon as I can get there without all my rug rats. I just wanted to do a quick post while the story was still on the news website, I thought this was one for the blog!!

Woman injured in horse accident - Woman injured in horse accident

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ava's first week home

Ava has had a busy little life so far. I don't doubt that she will be able to keep up though, she is so tough and has already been through so much! She is 13 days old today!! I feel like I just had her but already cant imagine life without her. She is such an important little person to our family and we love her too much. Now for her schedule this last week. Thursday she got to go tour the new daybreak temple!! That was a lot of fun and the temple was beautiful! After that we went out to dinner with the whole family. Friday we went to the beach then we had a BBQ with the family and did fireworks. Saturday we went boating all day!! Sunday we rested. It was all so fun and I think she did great!! She never cries, she never even makes a peep! She is so mellow and calm. I feel like she is an old soul. Here are a few pictures from the weekend...

My computer is acting weird all of a sudden so I will post more pictures later.... SORRY!!

~ Happy Anniversary my love...

Two years ago today I married my best friend. Happy anniversary to us!!! We don't have a lot planned, as a matter of fact we will probably be renting a movie and sitting home tonight. But it doesn't mean that it isn't a special day, we just don't need to do anything spectacular to celebrate our love for each other (not to mention we just had a baby and we cant really do much anyway.) We have been pretty busy the past 2 years and it seems like we just got married yesterday! Everyday is an adventure with Rory and I love every minute spent with him. I look forward to spending forever together and cant imagine what is in store for us! We have this crazy idea that when we retire we are going to sell everything we own and buy a luxury motor home and a cute little convertible and just drive. We will also stalk our kids and be annoying parents and hopefully grandparents one day! It will all probably happen a lot faster then we think. For now I will just sit back and love our life together.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adios NICU!!!!

Just kidding, I couldn't say enough about the nurses and doctors at the NICU. They were so friendly, helpful and comforting. It was so hard for me to walk in and see my baby (pretty much for the first time) hooked up to IVs, tubes, monitors etc. etc. I just bursted into tears and they were so helpful. They taught me what every tube was, how everything worked and why she needed it for what. By the time I left I knew what every # on the screen was, how to "hook her back up" how to replace things when they were pulled on etc. It was all so educational!! And after seeing some of the other babies there I felt so blessed that my baby was doing as well as she was. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the other poor mothers and fathers there and hearing how long some of them had been there or how their babies were doing made my heart break. When we finally left it was almost a bitter sweet feeling, I was so very happy and excited to take her home but when you are walking past all the other parents in there or seeing all the other babies in their little cribs knowing that it would be a while before they would leave made me feel so sad. I saw the faces on the parents as we walked out like they were thinking oooohh, no fair. They get to leave?! I felt like waiting for them!! But at the same time I wanted to RUN!! As fast as I can and be home with my kids and family!! It had been such a long, long week and I wanted nothing more than to bring a healthy baby HOME!! I wanted her to begin her new life with her family. That week was the longest week ever and yet it was all such a blur!! I feel like there are some big black holes missing and I cant for the life of me remember it all straight. I think I was so emotionally and physically exhausted. It all started around 1:30 July 15 when I left lunch with my sister in law Kristi. I got in the car and wasn't feeling "right" I though maybe I ate too much so off to the post office I went. By the time I got there I had a feeling that this wasn't just a full stomach or anything like that. I called Rory and told him I wasn't feeling too good and I was going home to lay down for a while. I also asked him his schedule for that day to make sure he would be close by. By about 3 pm I called him and asked him to come home because I thought I was in labor. When he RAN in the door he asked if I was sure, as I was telling him that I wasn't and maybe I should lay back down my fears were confirmed. My water broke. Off to the hospital we went and by 9 pm that evening Ava was here!! I got to hold her for 30 seconds literally before she was taken into the NICU. That night around midnight I finally got to see her and hold her. She was so small and beautiful but at the same time she looked like a lab rat to me!!! I couldn't even move or I might pull on a cord or something. I couldn't even talk to her because I was just crying. I felt awful, nothing like this has ever happened to any of my babies and now I have a whole new respect for people that have. Ava wasn't even as bad as most of the babies there. I only got to stay with her for about 30 minutes when my nurse told me I needed to lay down because of my own health. By about 4:30 am I was off to the NICU again! I couldn't stand it!! Knowing my baby was there without her mommy or anyone she knew and not knowing how she was or if she needed anything. I was a complete MESS!! Tuesday I got discharged and they told me to go home. There was no way in HELL I was leaving so they were nice enough to let me stay in one of their "hotel rooms". I was able to spend all day and night there with Ava. Wednesday we didn't get a room because it was needed by other parents so we decided we would leave about midnight and get back in the morning. By the time I got back she seemed worse!! She had a feeding tube put in and more monitors and lights so I vowed right then NOT TO LEAVE AGAIN!! Rory went home and got his camper to sleep in but, I only slept for about an hour in it before running across the parking lot (I'm sure people thought I had escaped from a crazy house somewhere) back in to be with Ava. I just slept on the chair they had there in the room. I stayed with her 24/7 after that. I watched as the tubes slowly came out each day, the IVs taken out and the monitors and lights were slowly taken off until FINALLY on Monday the 20th we were given the "Ok" by the doctors to leave. And believe me it wasn't without a fight! I had to talk to a few people (more like argue) to get to leave. Sooooo here we are!! Home sweet home!! Ava is doing wonderful. She is very small but at least she isn't losing weight anymore. She weigh 5 lbs 3 oz right now and she is slowly gaining. She isn't a very good eater, it takes me about an hour and a half to feed her and I'm making her eat every 2-3 hrs. It is so tiring but worth it!! She is such an angel!! Her jaundice is not going away as fast as we would like so we may have to bring home some lights? We wont know for sure until this evening. I have had to take her to the doctor everyday to get checked and poked. Her precious little feet are hamburger at this point. But she is strong and getting better everyday. We love her so much and are so happy to have her with us. Thank you to all our family and friends for your thoughts and prayers!! We love you all and cant wait for you to meet her!!

This is last night. She got her first bath at HOME!!!

I tried to get a picture of her hair...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Update on Ava

Ava had low blood pressure when we came in, she couldn't eat very well on her own, she had jaundice and trouble breathing on her own. Well... we are happy to say that her blood pressure is now perfect, she is now eating at least an ounce every 3 hours (that's great for how small she is) she has been taken off of her lights and is breathing "room air" all by herself!! We are so close to coming home we can taste it! We have been here for 4 days now and have seen a lot of babies come in and not near as many go out. We have met other parents here and some have been here for over a month. I couldn't even imagine!! I am dying already and feel so blessed that we are even this close. The day before I went into labor Rory coincidentally bought this old camper to resell, well we are now camped out in the hospital parking lot so we can come in every 3 hours to feed and hold Ava. We cant wait to come home and share her with the rest of her family and friends!! More to come soon, and pictures!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Welcome Sweet Baby Ava...

~Ava Lyn Royce~


Ava arrived on Wednesday at 9:06 pm. It all started around 2 pm that day when I called Rory to tell him I was in labor. I was really hoping I was wrong but when Rory got home around 2:30 my water broke. We came in to the hospital and after a short while I was dilated to a 5. I had Ava 20 minutes later!!! They told me that my cervix was still thick and I was only at a 5 so that it would be a while, I think I was pushing by the time she was done saying that. Ava came out screaming and weighed in at 5 lbs 7 oz. The kids and I got a quick hello and then she was taken to NICU where she has been since. She is doing well, all were working on now is eating, at only 34 weeks gestation they don't have the want or the skills to eat too well. Other than that she has overcome a lot of other little obstacles, she is strong and beautiful. We don't really have a date yet on when she will be able to come home but hopefully it will be soon! I will go into more detail later when I have a little more time on my hands (that will be in about 18 yrs) and let you all know how she is doing. Until then keep her in your prayers and in your hearts. Thank you so very much!

You can go to my mother in laws blog if you want to see some pictures Rodney & Teresa's Blog. I will post some more pictures later...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beaching and Nesting...

We recently got this great new little man made beach in right by our house. WE LOVE IT!! It is so sad that all it takes is a little bit of sand and some run off from the rain and we flock to it like seagulls!! Any beach we can get here in the great state of Utah is wonderful!! We have now been there twice this week and have had a blast every time. Here are some fun pictures!!
Chanel is TOTALLY built like her daddy! I never noticed it until these....
They even stand the same!!

I LOVE the sand crack!

Total beach babes!

Monkey see... Monkey do!

Now for the nesting...

HOLY COW!! Every time I am pregnant I go through this insane nesting phase!! I know some women have it worse than others but, I am a little extreme about it. It started when I recently had someone come clean my house, since I was supposed to be taking it easy I thought I would just hire someone else to do it. I found someone who could come soon and who was affordable, BAD IDEA!!

She was here for at least 6 hours and she must have been upstairs napping or something??!! I know I am a little anal about my house and when I am paying someone to do something I expect a decent job. This was AWFUL!! She didn't even clean 2 out of the 3 bathrooms we have, she didn't sweep or mop under the dining room table or any of the chairs or bar stools where we need it most! Anyway, I had her redo a lot of it but after about an hour of me doing that I just gave up and let her leave the job unfinished. Rory came home and lost it of course! So long story short... This week I have been doing it myself. I can confidently say that you could lick my floors, baseboard and walls and they will be 100% clean and sanitized. Every closet is completely organized, ever cabinet cleaned out. Every clothing washed and put away. EVERYTHING!!! I am done! With the house that is. I am off to clean my car then I will just "maintain" until baby arrives!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday to Rory!!

I am so late blogging this but, better late than never. We have just been a little busy is all, okay... now I feel even worse because I feel like I just said I'm too busy for Rory.

Anyway!! June 27 was Rory's birthday!! He turned 25 this year!! It is so hard to believe that for me because I have known Rory since he was only 4 feet tall and only 13 or 14 years old!! He has grown and matured so much since I first met him, not just physically because now he totally towers over me when it used to be the other way around but, thank goodness he has matured just a little bit mentally and emotionally too. He is a wonderful husband and father. He provides for his family and not just financially but he contributes to our family's emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well being. He is our protector and not just by keeping us safe but by protecting our self esteem and self worth. He is our leader and our best friend. He loves his family so much and we love him. I could never say enough about him, he truly is the most kind hearted, caring, wonderful man ever. He deserves every birthday wish! So keeping with the #25, here are 25 things I love about him:

1. I love his laugh. He sounds like scooby dooby doo!

2. I love his eyes and the way he looks at me. I have never met someone that carries all their emotion in their eyes. You can tell exactly the way he is feeling when you look at them. They are beautiful too! So blue.

3. I love how genuine he is. He tells you how it is and what he thinks. But at the same time would never say it in a way to hurt anyone or ever make them feel bad.

4. I love that he can fix anything!! Nothing ever goes to waste or is ever not in working condition. He is so smart and can figure out ANYTHING!! He can look at anything and find a way to improve it, and he does.

5. I love to see him with our kids, he is so much like a kid himself so he knows how to have fun. He loves to play and isn't afraid of making a fool of himself. He is the best daddy ever.

6. I love his forearms?? Weird I know, but it really is my favorite part of his body. They are so strong and big. You cant help but feel safe in them.

7. I love that he is a total goofball. He says the most random things! They usually don't make any sense because he has no idea what he is talking about but he tries to act like he does. It is so funny! Sometimes he will try to use big words or a word he doesn't know and it just doesn't work out the way he wants them to. My favorite is when he yelled at me for driving "erotically" instead of erratically! Or when we rented The Duchess and he asked why we rented the "douches". Things like that are always coming out of his mouth. He keeps me laughing all the time!

8. I love that he is so organized. He keeps me organized and I need all the organization I can get.

9. I love that he would rather spend our money on toys or the smaller things than have a big huge house or fancy things. He know that happiness is most important in life. Traveling and playing come before name brand. He is really smart with money, thank goodness because I LOVE to spend $$$$$$! If it weren't for him, we would be in major debt!

10. I love that he loves his family so much. He is so proud of his parents and siblings and us. He talks very highly of them and has so much respect for all of us. I am so proud to stand next to him.

11. I love that he loves to make other people happy.

12. I love that he is always the first to volunteer to help anyone. Even if it is a really hard or tough job. He will do it if it will help someone out.

13. I love what a hard worker he is. There are times that I tell him to just leave it and he wont. He will work until it is done and done right.

14. I love when he tries to yell. He is always so mellow so when he tries to be mean its almost just funny. He cant be mean, the kids just look at him with a weirded out look on their face. I think they can tell its all show.

15. I love how giving he is. He will give anything to anyone.

16. I love how loyal he is. He is loyal to the end for his true friends and family.

17. Ok. I don't know if I love this. But he over thinks everything. Its good because if it were up to me we would just be wingin' it but he really keeps us grounded and thinks everything through. Its a good thing MOST of the time.

18. I love that I love him enough to write 25 things I love about him!

19. I love that he isn't judgmental. He give everyone a chance and benefit of the doubt (not always a good thing).

20. I love that he loves animals. He tries to pretend like he doesn't so that we don't go overboard because believe me we would! But he really does have a love for animals! Again, he just thinks things through before he lets me bring home any odd animal.

21. I love that he has a love for life. He soaks it all in!

22. I love that he has the ability to calm me down and rile me up! He can say the smallest thing that he knows will get me going and yelling then he will say something to fix it and settle me down in an instant. Usually he is calming me down after someone else riles me up though.

23. I love that is so caring. I am awful and sometimes will have an attitude like who cares. He cares, and he makes me care.

24. I love how daring he is. He is always trying to pull off some crazy stunt!! He is crazy!!

25. I love everything about him, even the things I hate about him I love. He is his own person and such a good man. He really balances me out, without him I am completely unbalanced!! He is my perfect other half, soul mate, friend, lover and teacher. All I need in life he holds. As I write this I am a little teary eyed because I can truly say I found that one other person that will always make me happy. I am so lucky and blessed to have him.

I love you LEROY!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No progress is a GOOD thing!

I went to the doctor yesterday!!
Okay... Now that I am writing this, I am wondering why? I'm sure you guys don't really care to hear this but, it was such good news for me. So here it goes anyway....
I went to the doctor yesterday and I have made "No progress!!" My doctor and I were very excited!! I was so surprised, I was expecting to walk out of there a mess, being totally stressed out and worried. But, NO! I am still a 2 and 50%. He says he "really, really thinks I will make it at least 35-36 weeks". I know that is still a month early and still a little premature but that is when Rori Ana was born and she didn't spend a minute in the nicu. She was perfectly healthy, just small. I also know that every baby is different and we could possibly still have a few bumps in the road. But the chances of lights, incubators, feeding tubes etc. go down dramatically after 35 weeks. Especially where I usually have bigger babies so even at a month early they still weigh almost 6 lbs! So I think I will reach my goal of being pregnant for another 3 weeks! Maybe even longer!! I wouldn't mind going the full time just to know that my baby is well done! So I am just going to keep taking it easy and stress a lot less now. I chose not to mention my little sprint down the trail after Jameson once I heard it didn't have any affect on my progress, though I am still surprised that it didn't! I think my body went into shock! It was like what the hell is going on?? I'm moving?! I haven't moved like this in months!!! I'm surprised it didn't shut down on me. Anyway, all is well now and he is even letting me go 2 weeks until my next appointment! WAAHOO!!

On another subject, Jameson is doing really good! His head is still a little tender but in all he is just fine. He is a little worried about getting the staples out. He asks all the time if it will hurt and how bad and I tell him not nearly as bad as putting them in. He feels better when I tell him that. He has to go get them out in about a week so he is counting down the days. He also wants Rory to go cut down the mile marker sign with his metal cutting saw, he is really mad they put it there. He keeps calling the sign stupid, I try to tell him the sign isn't really the "stupid" one. He just needs to be smarter than that stupid sign and wear his helmet and watch where he is going. He still thinks the sign is stupid. He is also bummed that his head cant get wet for a while, he hates not being able to run around in the sprinklers and go swimming. However, he is loving that he gets to take a bath all by himself now so there is no splashing and I cant really wash his hair I have to just wipe the one side with a wash cloth. He just likes the attention he gets.

And on 1 more subject. The girls are doing great! Chanel really likes dance, she is still totally unbalanced but she loves showing me her little dance moves. Rory and I were watching her without her knowing yesterday and she is all over the place. In her own little world. I kept hearing the teacher saying "Chanel???" or "Chanel can you do what the other girls are doing?" And she would for a minute then back off into the land of Chanel. She is so cute, I love that she is her own little person in her own little world. The longer she can stay out of our corrupted evil world the better. And Rori Ana is practically running all over the place now. She LOVES to go play outside with all the kids, she keeps up so well! Yesterday she was out in a diaper without shoes on and I kept thinking about what an awful mother I must look like because the butt of her diaper was totally dirty with Popsicle and dirt and had grass stuck to it (it was clean inside though) and her feet were completely black from being barefoot and she had food all over her face. But she was having so much fun I wasn't about to go ruin it by getting her dressed and cleaning her just so she looked decent. Plus I really didn't care as much as I should. She was safe and clean enough and she was having a blast. That's all that really matters right??