Friday, July 31, 2009

As if this week couldn't get any more stressful or crazy... I got a call last night about 8:30 pm from my mother, this is how the conversation went...
Mom: Jennine, don't freak out.
Jennine: Ok. Wrong thing to say if you dont want me to freak out. Im freaked out. What?
Mom: I was riding agador (her draft horse that is easily over 17 hands tall, that means HUGE and weighs about 2500 lbs. that means NOT NORMAL KIND OF HUGE!!) and he got spooked then I fell off and he stepped on me.
Jennine: Ok....
Mom: Im ok.
Jennine: Where did he step on you?
Mom: My stomach.
The rest of the conversation was me making sure she wasnt in too much pain and I stayed on the phone until the ambulance got there. Luckily she was with 2 other people, they went and got her horse and met up with the ambulance so they could show them where she was. She ended up being flown to the IMC hospital and is doing good. I flew there last night and must have passed about 3 cops going 100 and 1 really drunk driver and somehow didnt get pulled over or in an accident myself!! She has some internal bleeding but is in good spirits and she is going to be fine. She is still in the hospital and I will be going to see her as soon as I can get there without all my rug rats. I just wanted to do a quick post while the story was still on the news website, I thought this was one for the blog!!


Julie said...

What the crap!!! That is horrible! I'm glad she is ok! ...gees, as if you needed more on your plate right now! Let me know what I can do to help!

Bekah said...

Just when you think you wont have to visit another hospital! Im glad to hear she is doing better and hopefully be released soon. We are here for you guys if you need anything

Kristi said...

That horse is huge! Your poor mother. I wish her the best!