Tuesday, July 28, 2009

~ Happy Anniversary my love...

Two years ago today I married my best friend. Happy anniversary to us!!! We don't have a lot planned, as a matter of fact we will probably be renting a movie and sitting home tonight. But it doesn't mean that it isn't a special day, we just don't need to do anything spectacular to celebrate our love for each other (not to mention we just had a baby and we cant really do much anyway.) We have been pretty busy the past 2 years and it seems like we just got married yesterday! Everyday is an adventure with Rory and I love every minute spent with him. I look forward to spending forever together and cant imagine what is in store for us! We have this crazy idea that when we retire we are going to sell everything we own and buy a luxury motor home and a cute little convertible and just drive. We will also stalk our kids and be annoying parents and hopefully grandparents one day! It will all probably happen a lot faster then we think. For now I will just sit back and love our life together.

1 comment:

bella utahan said...

How great!!! I tried to call you to wish you a happy anniversary, but realized I had been calling the wrong person! Hope it was a good one, what better way to show your love then with the birth of a new baby!