Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beaching and Nesting...

We recently got this great new little man made beach in right by our house. WE LOVE IT!! It is so sad that all it takes is a little bit of sand and some run off from the rain and we flock to it like seagulls!! Any beach we can get here in the great state of Utah is wonderful!! We have now been there twice this week and have had a blast every time. Here are some fun pictures!!
Chanel is TOTALLY built like her daddy! I never noticed it until these....
They even stand the same!!

I LOVE the sand crack!

Total beach babes!

Monkey see... Monkey do!

Now for the nesting...

HOLY COW!! Every time I am pregnant I go through this insane nesting phase!! I know some women have it worse than others but, I am a little extreme about it. It started when I recently had someone come clean my house, since I was supposed to be taking it easy I thought I would just hire someone else to do it. I found someone who could come soon and who was affordable, BAD IDEA!!

She was here for at least 6 hours and she must have been upstairs napping or something??!! I know I am a little anal about my house and when I am paying someone to do something I expect a decent job. This was AWFUL!! She didn't even clean 2 out of the 3 bathrooms we have, she didn't sweep or mop under the dining room table or any of the chairs or bar stools where we need it most! Anyway, I had her redo a lot of it but after about an hour of me doing that I just gave up and let her leave the job unfinished. Rory came home and lost it of course! So long story short... This week I have been doing it myself. I can confidently say that you could lick my floors, baseboard and walls and they will be 100% clean and sanitized. Every closet is completely organized, ever cabinet cleaned out. Every clothing washed and put away. EVERYTHING!!! I am done! With the house that is. I am off to clean my car then I will just "maintain" until baby arrives!!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

It sounds like you have been busy! I wish I knew and could have helped. I still owe you lunch. When do you want to go?